Reaping the benefits of openness

AdoptOpenJDK has a simple mission.  We are all about delivering high quality, open binaries for OpenJDK-based technology.

Achieving that simple mission requires a series of interesting decisions and actions that must be taken.  For example, OpenJDK doesn’t contain everything you need for a production-quality binary, so we add in the missing parts.  The tests in OpenJDK must be augmented to achieve the required quality, and there must be a usable distribution mechanism.

Openness is important throughout the process.  There is little point in taking open source code and passing it through a closed, proprietary build process that you cannot reproduce locally should you need to do so.  AdoptOpenJDK is open from front to back - all our build scripts, website code, and machine configurations are available for scrutiny and reuse.

The result is an OpenJDK binary that you can trust in production.  Indeed we are delighted that IBM are prepared to offer service and support for our release binaries and Docker images - a testimony to the work that the community has invested.

Our plan is to use the broad platform capacity we have in the build farm to get a wide range of quality releases across numerous OpenJDK version streams, different JVM implementations, and disparate OS/CPU combinations.  We want to be a trusted distributor of OpenJDK-based technology, and we have a support road map that ensures our binaries are there as you transition between release versions.

We’d like to thank our sponsors who share our vision, and we’d be delighted if you gave us feedback on the code we are writing, the process we are following, and your success using the binaries we produce.

Do you have questions or want to discuss this post? Hit us up on the AdoptOpenJDK Slack workspace!

Tim Ellison

Posted by Tim Ellison

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