New Relic Joins AdoptOpenJDK Project To Strengthen Adoption of Java Technology

This a guest post by Mark Weitzel, General Manager, New Relic One at New Relic.

– AdoptOpenJDK Team

Today, we are excited to announce New Relic’s partnership with the community-led AdoptOpenJDK project. This program provides free and open-source binaries of the Java runtime and core platform (typically referred to as the JDK) for production and development use worldwide.

As the leading observability platform, we recognize the value that open technologies at scale can provide. We joined forces with AdoptOpenJDK to share learnings with the community and drive greater adoption of open binaries across industries and regions.

One of the key challenges that Java customers face is around changing licensing terms and conditions. There is a strong demand for customers who want to move to a supplier that provides support for longer than six months per-version at no-cost. 

Enter AdoptOpenJDK.

AdoptOpenJDK binaries are built from the same source code (OpenJDK) as Oracle’s binaries and in almost all cases are a drop-in replacement, especially for server-side applications. At New Relic, we’re positive about the possibilities that this opportunity represents. We are passionate about open technologies and, where possible, support communities that work to better our industry through open technologies. In addition to sponsorship, we also have engineers that contribute to their project. Additionally, we’re committing to contribute our engineers’ time to help improve OpenJDK for everyone. 

Given OpenJDK is an open-source project, binaries are available from a wide choice of suppliers, not just AdoptOpenJDK. As of September 2019, Java users can choose between OpenJDK binaries built by several vendors including:

  • Red Hat IcedTea (RHEL and Windows)
  • AdoptOpenJDK (Mac, Linux, Windows, other platforms)
  • Azul Zulu (Mac, Linux, Windows)
  • Amazon Corretto (Mac, Linux, Windows)
  • Alibaba Dragonwell
  • SAP

New Relic will continue to fully support our customers on any build of Java from a major vendor. Whether that’s Oracle’s JDK or any certified OpenJDK runtime, such as Red Hat’s IcedTea, AdoptOpenJDK, Azul Zulu, Amazon Corretto or any others that emerge.

AdoptOpenJDK’s initiatives are directly aligned with our goals of helping software engineering teams build software better and faster. We see our customers more successfully and more quickly adopting open source technologies, which will enable them to innovate faster and accelerate business transformation.

Do you have questions or want to discuss this post? Hit us up on the AdoptOpenJDK Slack workspace!

Martijn Verburg

Posted by Martijn VerburgPrincipal SWE Group Manager (Java) @ MSFT, ex CEO jClarity (acquired), LJC, Director @ AdoptOpenJDK, Speaker/Author, Java Champion, The Diabolical Developer

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