Adding third party application tests at AdoptOpenJDK

Adding third party application tests into the automated testing at AdoptOpenJDK is easier now than it has ever been!

There exists a template project in the openjdk-test repository that can be customized to fit any third party application and run as part of the External Tests builds at Adopt.

The thirdparty_containers README file outlines the steps involved in this process.

For a practical example, you may also want to go over the following demo. It shows how we have added the Lucene-Solr nightly smoke test to the list of third party application tests at Adopt.

Please feel free to grow the list of third party application tests we run in AdoptOpenJDK.

For any questions or queries, reach out to us on our testing slack channel.

Do you have questions or want to discuss this post? Hit us up on the AdoptOpenJDK Slack workspace!

Mesbah Alam

Posted by Mesbah AlamSoftware developer at IBM Runtime Technologies

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