Contributing to AdoptOpenJDK/Infrastructure

I recently joined the AdoptOpenJDK community, and chose to focus on helping to maintain the build and test machines and the automation used to set up and maintain them.

It’s something I’ve been meaning to do for a while, but for one reason or another I’ve not got round to it. I think one of those reasons was that I thought it would be difficult, and involve me having to talk to lots of people, all giving me slightly different advice.

I found that it wasn’t difficult at all, and the people I spoke with were all very helpful.

What I did

I’ve described the steps I took to get onboard in the AdoptOpenJDK Infrastructure wiki here. I put them there to make it easier for anyone to update should any processes or tools change.

Get involved

Many of the steps in my instructions are common to all of the AdoptOpenJDK projects. If you go to you can see all 49 repositories. Please get involved if you think you’ve got something to offer any of them.

Do you have questions or want to discuss this post? Hit us up on the AdoptOpenJDK Slack workspace!

Geraint Jones

Posted by Geraint JonesSoftware developer at IBM, contributing to IBM API Connect Test and Monitor. Previously a member of the Infrastructure Team in IBM Runtime Technologies

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