AdoptOpenJDK 15 Available

AdoptOpenJDK is happy to announce the immediate availability of AdoptOpenJDK 15. Binaries are available for download of OpenJDK and Eclipse OpenJ9 (with OpenJDK class libraries). As always, all binaries are thoroughly tested (except 32-bit ARM, see below) and available free of charge without usage restrictions on a wide range of platforms.

New and Noteworthy

Overview of Java 15

Removal of Client VM from Builds for Windows/x64

For compatibility reasons, AdoptOpenJDK bundled both the Client VM and Server VM with its builds for Windows/x64. We have been one of the last vendors to do so. With AdoptOpenJDK 15, we have dropped the Client VM on Windows/x64, too. On Windows/x64, the Server VM is the superior choice for all workloads. Furthermore, continuing to bundle the Client VM would have resulted in a reduced feature set for the users of the Server VM.

AdoptOpenJDK for Windows/x86 (32-bit) still includes both the Client and Server VM.

A Note on Binaries for 32-bit ARM

Welcome to our very special interpretation of Groundhog Day! Thanks to Covid-19 and some unrelated challenges, testing of 32-bit ARM binaries is still reduced. But we will get it sorted, promised! You can follow our progress on Re-enable testing on ARMv7.

Do you have questions or want to discuss this post? Hit us up on the AdoptOpenJDK Slack workspace!

Andreas Ahlenstorf

Posted by Andreas AhlenstorfIndividual AdoptOpenJDK community contributor

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