
The First Drop: Introducing AdoptOpenJDK Quality Assurance (AQA) v1.0

AdoptOpenJDK Quality Assurance (AQA) is a curated set of open tests that we run against our release builds at AdoptOpenJDK. These tests assess whether a binary meets the high quality standards expected by enterprise customers. Read more

Test Result Summary Service (TRSS)

As we support more and more tests, projects and Jenkins servers, monitoring builds health and triaging tests daily is quickly becoming an overwhelming task. We are currently maintaining 6+ Jenkins servers both internally and externally. Read more

Jumpstarting Open Performance Testing

Before I dabble in the juicy world of computer architectures and measuring and understanding performance implications, let me premise this entire post with a quick introduction to myself. Read more

JCK Certification and An Anniversary of Sorts

Exactly a year ago today, Tim Ellison sent me a note.  He had just watched a presentation I had recorded, talking about the work my team had started to vastly 'simplify Java testing'. Read more

Adding third party application tests at AdoptOpenJDK

Adding third party application tests into the automated testing at AdoptOpenJDK is easier now than it has ever been! Read more

Testing Java: Help Me Count the Ways

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Playing with Test Microservices

Recently, I had the good fortune to speak (fondly!) about some excellent open-source projects that I participate in... AdoptOpenJDK, Eclipse OpenJ9 and Eclipse OMR.  Across those three projects, we are trying to simplify the activity of testing. Read more

New contribution of test cases to AdoptOpenJDK

We have contributed additional tests and a test framework the tests depend on, to the AdoptOpenJDK project in these repositories: openjdk-systemtest and stf. Read more

Testing Java: Let Me Count the Ways

For years now, I have been testing Java and if there is a single statement to make about that activity, it is that there are many, many, many ways to test a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Read more

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